Studio Tortorano

The Tortorano Studio was founded in Naples in 1996 on the initiative of the Owner Dr. Gianfranco Tortorano who, observing the evolution of the markets and related products identifies the possibility of being able to extend the professional skills of the Chartered Accountant also in the financial sphere.

Building on his experience, he has developed an intense work of “active shareholding” or taking initiatives for discussion and participation at the meeting with the ultimate aim of exercising a “conscious” voting right. To direct the corporate activity to the advantage and in the interest of those who lend and invest their assets in the companies; as well as directing them to behaviors that combine the principles of economic efficiency with ethical ones.

All this also with a view to directing the investor in a correct path of “behavioral finance” that takes into account the rules and the right expectations of returns.

Thanks to his experience, Dr. Gianfranco Tortorano becomes a consultant for numerous Companies, Pension Funds and Pension Funds (including the National Welfare and Lawyer Assistance Fund) and ENPAB (National Welfare and Biology Assistance) and Lecturer at renowned private training companies.

Member of working groups at the CNDCEC and trade associations. There are numerous publications in the financial field.


Balance Sheet Analysis

Financial Advice

Strategic Consulting

Legal Assistance

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Riviera di Chiaia 264 –  80121
Via Calabria, 56 – 00187